Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Daisypath Wedding tickers

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Beijing - 24 - 27 June 2009

This time to PEK felt very touristy as I'd visited Great Wall. Went there around 13 - 14 yrs ago. The feeling was the same. Great Wall is not EASY TO CLIMB!! Bloody steep!!

The only difference was :-
1) the set of crew was MUCH MUCH better
2) I'd my SLR !!! It was my first time bringing it abroad.... :)
3) Weather was nicer around 25 - 30c
4) this time with Jeremy

We started off the trip to Xidan, shopping place...but all are just daily used ornaments - hair clips, t-shirts,shoes (not -so-interesting ones)

around 31 photos

1 comment:

Audz said...

finally u got ur SLR... hahaha... which one did u get?