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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Part 8 - Matsushima Bay

Our next trip was up to the north of Japan - Hokkaido. But in between, I made a brief stop in Miyajima. This is one of Japan's 3 most scenic view. Ermm.....totally disappointed.I didn't find the view "wow" at all....Maybe because we didn't have a car to drive up the hill to view the little 260 islands - covered in pines.....anyway, it's just a few hours stop...so it's ok lahhhh.....but it's not worth to purposely make atrip there...

Oshima Island used to be a retreat for mons, and decorated meditation caves can still be found on the island.

Fukuurajima (Fukuura Island) - not much to see on the island - with a botanical garden.

Zuiganji temple is the most important temple in the Tohoku region. A line of cedar trees for around 200m before reaching the temple.

Godai-do Temple is a small charming temple dedicated to five gods and is a symbol of Matsushima. People walk across the red bridge to pray here. It was 1st erected in 807 and the present reconstruction was built in 1604.

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