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Monday, July 13, 2009

A comeback after 2 months.....

It felt so long ago since I last wrote in here.....I've yet to complete my Japan, Beijing (2nd time) trip....awww......dunno how long will I take before I complete the above blogs.....That's due to the refresher (annual exam) in a few days time....then I have an onboard evaluation....n a training to go....this month is rather busy.......

Well today seemed to be rather an interesting day....Today I did a Doha turnaround (40 mins flying time)...usually short flights like this have weird/interesting things happening.....

As we were about to land (20 mins before touching ground) - that's one of the most "critical period" as we need to secure the cabin as soon as possible so that we can tell the captain it is ok to land....

Cabin senior came up to me saying there's a man down the back who harrased one of our crews...while the crew (A) was alone, tried to hug her.......so i went in n tell the captain...captain suggested that it's her decision if A wanted to take it up to the police, cos if she does, we'll just ask the police to be there when the door opens....

So after talking to A, she doesn't want to make a big fuss out of it, as there's a possibility she might need to go to police station etc..... so she said no. Then
I went to the man and said to him "Are you aware of wat you were doing?"
HIm : I was just trying to get a beer
Me : You tried to hug the girl and you said you were trying to get a beer?
Him : No I didnt

(Gosh I wanted to slap him at that time!!!! If he's a man, he should own up man!!!)

I replied : We could've just handed you over to the security...but bcos the girl didn't wan to make a big fuss...so you better not repeat what you've just done, do u understand me?
He kept quiet....

When we landed, I sort of felt that wasn't enough with just a few sentences to him...ought to scare him a little bit more.....

Then when he disembarked, I took him aside n said....We've informed the security (which we didn't ) and you better not misbehave again....
The next sentence even shocked me more....

HIm : I didn't try to hug her. She was trying to flirt with me!!

What an A$$&*^#!!!! And he just walked off as a happy man....

Geez,if A could've just reported to the security!!!!!I would've happily handed him over to the police!!!!!!

These people are so daring bright daylight man!!!! Our colleagues were saying that she should've just kicked him up the *&^&^ at least since she didn't report.....ahahhahaa......


Lilium said...

SLAP him man!!

B@bYh|r0Sh| said...

hahahahaha... the last time this happened on a SIA flight the flight attendant wack the guy with the stainless steel tray! And said she acted instintively! damn it.... Man like that should not be let off at all! STONE THEM TO DEATH!!!!!!