This video shows the room where Mona Lisa is kept, together with some other paintings. The first large painting is Wedding Feast at Cana by Paolo Caliari, better known as Veronese. The below explanation is described in the Louvre's museum's webpage in regards to the painting :-
This huge canvas once adorned the refectory of the monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice. Here, Veronese, acclaimed as a colorist and for painting vast, multifigured scenes, chose to depict Christ’s first miracle, performed during the Marriage at Cana.
Working the perspective so as to draw the spectator into the scene, he transposed the biblical episode to his own era, rich 16th-century Venice. Note the splendor of the fabrics, the sumptuous jewelry, silver and silver-gilt tableware, and the elegant Palladian architecture, which set a magnificent stage for this story, which is supposed to have taken place in the home of poor people who ran out of wine during a wedding feast. I
n the center, on Christ’s right, Mary holds an invisible glass in her hand to show that there is no wine left. In the right foreground, the figure in yellow pours water that has turned into wine from a jar, a miracle witnessed by the two figures behind him. A man clad in green hurries toward the newlyweds, on the left in front of the columns, to ask why the best wine was kept for the end of the banquet.
Another reading of the work moves vertically from the symbolic image of the butchers chopping up meat to the hourglass on the musicians’ table and the dog chewing a bone: it heralds the "sacrifice of the Lamb," the death of Christ, who revealed his true nature by performing this miracle. But the dogs are also an allegory of fidelity, that of Christians whose faith will sweep away the clouds
Wedding Feast at Cana

The most talked-about painting in Louvre Museum...
Outside Louvre Museum....
At Champs - Elysee Avenue......
I brought Kelvin in LV....ahahhaha....again, he saw the craziness of how these people buy.... He related the ambience like Jaya Jusco.....hahaahhaha.....

Dinner was at Chinatown - it was very far!!!!!!!If you look at the Metro map - it's the southest - east.....and we are staying in northest east (in the aiport).....we stopped at Metro stop : Port Ivry, but dun worry, we didn't have Mcdonalds :) We'd chinese/vietnamese buffet : E$12.50 .....nice nice....
Overall, great day out with Kelvin, till we meet again in XX... :)
Ehh..can take photo of the Monolisa meh? I remember when I went there..tak bagi leh
I"m also shocked...especially in a museum..most of the museums in europe dun usually allow camera/video cam....but this one...they allow woh....good good!!
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