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Daisypath Wedding tickers

Monday, April 6, 2009

Scanning project

After getting the scanner (which has been sitting in the cabinet for HALF a year!!!) from Jeremy, I finally put it to good use..... So I'm starting to scan some pics from parents' times. Too excited....so have to share some pics on my little project....

Some pics on my great-grandma, grandma, grandma's sis (those in group photo) mom, dad.....Just in case it's too small to be seen, the couple are my parents. The pics were very small, errmm, I still wonder if I can enlarge the photos on the scanner. Anyway, I've put it to large in the blog here, so hopefully, can c my great grandma :)

Dad's & mom's wedding pics.....

More pics to come ( if laziness doesn't kick in :P ) ....


Lilium said...

Winnie..you can put that on the slides next time for your wedding..start with ur parents, then your baby ...

A friend of mine did that...haha! Great idea huh?

B@bYh|r0Sh| said...

Woah! I love that! Makes me wanna run home grab my parents pics and start scanning!

Btw, you are suppose to scan, then there should be a crop function on preview mode, then you crop to exact photo size and save as JPG format. That should work... try it....